Contact us
To keep our patients and visitors informed, our hospital provides contact information through this online phone directory for each of our departments.
HCA Florida Englewood Hospital
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Administration: (941) 473-5010
Billing & Patient Accounts: (800) 247-9122
Central Scheduling: (866) 463-7072
Consult-A-Nurse: (888) 685-1598
Consult-A-Nurse (Toll Free): (888) 685-1598
Emergency Care Center: (941) 473-5028
Human Resources: (941) 475-6571
Laboratory: (941) 473-5004
Main Number (Toll Free): (866) 818-9067
Marketing/ Media Relations: (941) 473-5035
Occupational Therapy (Outpatient): (941) 460-1800
Outpatient Services: (941) 473-5022
Patient Account Customer Service: (800) 247-9122
Patient Estimation Assistance: (800) 617-7044
Physical Therapy (Outpatient): (941) 460-1800
Physician Referral: (888) 685-1598
Physician Referral (Toll Free): (888) 685-1598
Price Estimates: (800) 617-7044
Public Relations: (941) 473-5035
Speech Therapy (Outpatient): (941) 460-1800
Wound Care Center: (941) 473-9305