Contact us
To keep our patients and visitors informed, our hospital provides contact information for each of our departments ā from Medical Records to Consult-A-Nurse.
HCA Florida JFK Hospital
5301 S Congress Ave Atlantis FL 33462
Main number: (561) 965-7300
Phone directory
Admitting/Registration: (561) 965-7300
Billing & Patient Accounts: (866) 235-6517
Central Scheduling: (877) 331-7007
Consult-A-Nurse: (561) 548-4535
Human Resources: (561) 548-3447
Marketing/Public Relations: (561) 548-3553
Medical Records: (888) 616-5721
Patient Account Customer Service: (866) 235-6517
Patient Estimation Assistance: (888) 334-3868
Price Estimates: (888) 334-3868
Physician Referral: (561) 548-4535 (4JFK)
Pre-Registration: (877) 351-7006
Public Relations: (561) 548-3553