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Displaying 1-10 of 34 Articles
- ECMO: Vincent Delimakeyboard_arrow_rightVincent Delima shares his experience with HCA Florida Ocala Hospital as an ECMO patient, while Dr. Bryan Bush and Dr. Melvin Seek discuss how ECMO works and saved Vincent's life.
- Orthopedic care: Jackie Kuehnlekeyboard_arrow_rightJackie Kuehnle suffered a devastating hip injury and wanted to be treated at HCA Florida West Marion Hospital.
- Cardiology: Gary Smockkeyboard_arrow_rightGary Smock received a TAVR that rejuvenated his heart and improved his life.
- Weight loss surgery: Syrenia Hilliardkeyboard_arrow_rightSyrenia had her gastric sleeve procedure in March 2020, is down 140 pounds, and has more energy.
- Stroke: Margaret Kiemeyerkeyboard_arrow_rightDespite Margaret's active and healthy lifestyle, life changed dramatically on Jan. 15, 2019, when she experienced a stroke.
- Weight loss surgery: Deaundre Guykeyboard_arrow_rightLearn more about Deaundre Guy's bariatric surgery experience with HCA Florida Ocala Hospital.
- Stroke: Marry Evanskeyboard_arrow_rightMarry returned home from a day of shopping feeling unwell. Her friend checked on her and found her slurring her words, and immediately called 911.
- Cardiology: Cheryl Beardsleykeyboard_arrow_rightCheryl is a Health ER Nurse at HCA Florida Ocala Hospital. Learn more about her heart attack.
- Gynecology: Tina Stevenskeyboard_arrow_rightTina's discovery of a uterine fibroid originating from diverticulitis necessitated a visit to her gynecologist at HCA Florida Ocala Hospital.
- Brain Cancer: Kelly Ryankeyboard_arrow_rightHCA Florida Ocala Hospital patient Kelly Ryan's healing journey began with a Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) test, and continues with ongoing tumor treatment.