Contact us
Our hospital keeps patients and visitors informed and makes communication easy by providing contact information for each department through our phone directory.
HCA Florida Fawcett Hospital
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Administration: (941) 624-8117
Billing & patient accounts: (800) 635-0334
Central scheduling: (866) 463-7103
Company care: (941) 625-3047
Emergency room: (941) 624-8813
Family care unit: (941) 629-3725
Fawcett sports & rehab services: (941) 764-1333
ICU 3rd floor: (941) 624-8703
ICU 4th floor: (941) 624-8306
IMCU: (941) 624-8406
Laboratory: (941) 624-8860
Marketing: (941) 624-1552
Medical staff office: (941) 624-8073
Medical unit: (941) 624-8419
Oncology unit: (941) 624-8315
OR board: (941) 624-8202
Outpatient scheduling (physicians): (866) 463-7442
Patient estimation assistance: (800) 617-7044
Patient account customer service: (800) 635-0334
PCU: (941) 624-8419
Physician referral: (888) 685-1599
Physician relations: (941) 624-8073
Price estimates: (800) 617-7044
Radiology: (941) 624-8778
Rehabilitation unit: (941) 624-8975
Respiratory department: (941) 624-8737
Surgical unit: (941) 627-6101